Gauss type complex quadrature formulae, power moment problem and elliptic curves

  • Yuri I. Lyubich


A complex-valued Borel measure $\omega$ on $\mathbb{C}$ is called $n$-reducible if there is a quadrature formula with $n$ complex nodes which is exact for all polynomials of degree $\le 2n-1$. A criterion of $n$-reducibility is given on the base of a solvability criterion for a complex power moment problem. The latter is an analytic version of a Sylvester theorem from the theory of binary form invariants. The 2-reducibility of measures $\omega$ with $|\mathrm{supp}\,\omega|=3$ is closely related to the modular invariants of elliptic curves.


Як цитувати

Lyubich, Y. I. Gauss type complex quadrature formulae, power moment problem and elliptic curves. Мат. физ. анал. геом. 2002, 9, 128-145.





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